Sunday 8 December 2013

Concorso Silent Book Competition Sneak Peak

Well, I'm about to jump into the full scale final piece production line for Christmas so you may not hear from me during the holidays as I prepare my entry for next years competition. But as a Christmas treat I thought I'd give you a glimpse of how some of the pages are shaping up....

So far the pages are coming out better than expected and I've been able to draw them up and colour them within a couple of days, and seeing as there are 50 more pages to go this is definitely a good thing! Will still be an absolute rush to get them in before the January deadline line but things are looking encouraging as it stands.

For those of you who have missed some of my earlier posts regarding the story, here's a quick synopses:

"Emperor follows the story of a colony of penguins and the mysterious arrival of a new penguin into their group. While he appears friendly and offers them the benefits of technology and scientific progress, one child suspects that a more sinister ploy is at stake.

Dealing with themes of the environment, technology and voice, 'Emperor' is my exploration of the dangers of revolution"

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